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GMAT Aptitude Test

Leading global business schools and management education programs recognize the GMAT as a premier predictor of success.

You might already be on a professional journey, but you understand that pursuing a management education can unlock even more significant opportunities. Your path to continued success begins with the GMAT.

The GMAT exam comprises four primary sections delivered in English and is conducted in testing centers worldwide. It evaluates your verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning, integrated reasoning, analytical skills, and writing abilities that you have cultivated over time. This examination aids graduate programs and faculty in assessing your qualifications for advanced studies in business and management. Your scores are valid for five years, giving you the flexibility to commence your graduate studies now or in the future.

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
The AWA component of the GMAT serves as a direct evaluation of your critical thinking skills and your ability to convey your ideas effectively.

The AWA consists of a single 30-minute writing task — the Analysis of an Argument. The arguments presented during the test relate to topics of general interest in business or other areas. You do not need specialized knowledge of the essay topic; rather, your analytical writing skills will be assessed.

Analysis of an Argument
In the Analysis of an Argument section, you will analyze the reasoning behind a provided argument and write a critique of it. You are not required to express your own opinions on the topic.

Integrated Reasoning
The Integrated Reasoning section includes four types of questions that require you to analyze and synthesize data from various formats and multiple sources: Graphics Interpretation, Two-part Analysis, Table Analysis, and Multi-Source Reasoning.

In the Quantitative section of the GMAT exam, two kinds of multiple-choice questions are presented: Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency. This section measures your ability to reason quantitatively, resolve quantitative problems, and interpret graphical data.

Problem-Solving and Data Sufficiency questions are mixed throughout this section. Both question types necessitate knowledge of:
- Arithmetic,
- Elementary algebra, and
- Basic concepts of geometry.

In the Verbal section of the GMAT exam, three types of multiple-choice questions are included: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction.

This section assesses your ability to:
- Read and understand written material,
- Evaluate and reason through arguments, and
- Correct written material to meet standard written English conventions.

You will need to present an international passport as identification on the day of the exam.

It is recommended to prepare for at least two months before taking the GMAT examination. Our GMAT program features:
- Comprehensive review: We cover all four sections—Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, and Verbal—to ensure you're well-prepared.
- Problem-solving techniques: Master critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills with our focused instruction.
- Mock GMAT exams: Our full-length practice tests mimic the real exam, helping you build confidence and improve your performance under timed conditions.

With our expert support, you’ll be ready to excel in the GMAT and gain admission to top business schools.