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IJMB Programme

Understanding IJMBE

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board was established in 1976 by the Interim Common Services Agency (ICSA). ICSA itself was established by the government of the old Northern Region of Nigeria to provide educational and social services to the people of the region. The first IJMBE (Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination) was held in 1977 for all students who had undergone the IJMB post-secondary education program in the existing schools of Basic/Preliminary studies, which had replaced the HSC.

The IJMBE is essentially an Advanced Level Examination except for only two subjects offered at the ordinary level. The standard of the examination at both levels is equal to that of the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) at similar levels. Candidates use the result of this examination to seek admission at the 200 level in the University through the IJMB Direct Entry program. Candidates for this examination are admitted as IJMBE students by the affiliated colleges, either for a one- to two-year program of studies.

The writing of this examination signifies the end of the program. A candidate is required to obtain a minimum of 7/8 out of 15 points to qualify for university admission at the 200 level. Candidates are required to have 5 O’ level credits (including Mathematics and English) before they are admitted into the university. IJMBE offers two subjects at O’ level (English and Mathematics), which are taken by those who failed to have credit passes in them at SSCE/NECO.

Structure of IJMBE Programme
  • Candidates shall offer at least three main subjects at A’ level.
  • The overall mark in each subject shall be expressed as a percentage and may include an element in respect of Continuous Assessment (CA).
  • For every A’ Level subject registered, each candidate must have a C.A grade which carries 20% of the total scores.
  • All science subjects in IJMB Examination, except A’ Level Mathematics, have one practical paper each, which carries a substantial percentage of the total scores.
  • All social science subjects have two papers only, except for Economics, which has objective questions as Paper III.
  • There are three papers to Arts subjects (Literature in English and CRS).
  • The conversion of IJMB grades is; A – 70% and above, B – 60-69%, C – 50-59%, D – 45-49%, E – 40-44%, F – below 40%.
Determination of Grades

Candidates’ grades and points in the final examination are calculated as follows:
A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, F = 0. (A point is added to a candidate whose result is devoid of an F grade).
For example, a student who gets a C grade in all three subjects entered for has a point calculated thus;
CCC= 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 10pts. Maximum point = AAA in your three subject courses = 15+ 1 = 16pts. Please confirm this in the UME/DE brochure.

IJMBE Subjects & Codes
101 Arabic201 Biology301 Accounting
102 Christian Religious Studies202 Chemistry302 Business Management
103 French203 Geography303 Economics
104 Hausa204 Geology304 Government
105 History205 A/L Mathematics305 Sociology
106 Islamic Studies206 Physics 
107 Literature in English  
108 Yoruba  

The choice of subjects’ combination is guided by the current requirement of schools as tabulated on the JAMB brochure. Hence, students are advised to consult the JAMB brochure before making their choice of A’ LEVEL subjects.

Universities Accepting IJMBE
S/NFederal UniversitiesState UniversitiesPrivate Universities
Northern Nigeria
1.Ahmadu Bello University, ZariaKwara State University, MaleteSalem, Lokoja
2.Fed. University of Technology, MinnaBenue State UniversityABTI, Makurdi
3.Bayero University, KanoKatsina State UniversityAl-Hikmah University
4.University of IlorinIbrahim Badamosi Univ., LapaiBingham Uni., New Karu
5.University of Jos  
6.University of Abuja  
7.Fed. University of Agric. Makurdi  
8.Federal University, Lokoja  
9.Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto  
10.Federal University, Dutse  
11.Federal University, Lafia  
12.Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University  
13.University of Maiduguri  
14.Modibbo Adamu University, Yola  
15.Federal University, Wukari, Taraba  
Southern Nigeria
16.University of BeninAmbrose Ali University, EkpomaOKADA
17.Fed. University of Petroleum, WarriDelta State University, AbrakaAyo Joseph University
18.Fed. University of Petroleum, WarriDelta State University, AbrakaAyo Joseph University
19.Federal University, Oye-EkitiUniversity of Osun (UNIOSUN)ABUAD
20.Fed. University of Agric. AbeokutaAdekunle Ajasin UniversityCovenant University
21.University of UyoAkwa Ibom State UniversitySouthwestern University
22.University of CalabarCRUTECHCaleb University
23.Federal University, OtuekeNiger Delta UniversityBenson Idahosa Uni
24.Fed. University Ndufu, Ikwo (FUNAI)Abia State University, UturuGregory University
25.UNIZIKAnambra State University, UliMADONNA
26.University of Ibadan, IbadanRivers State University of Sci. & Tech.Wellspring Uni., Benin
27. Imo State UniversityBABCOOK
28. Ignatius Ajuru University of EduRedeemer’s University
29. Lagos state University, OjoELIZADE, Ilara Mokin

IJMB means Interim Joint Matriculation Board. Is a federal government program that is being supervised by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. It is an advanced level programme that offers admission into 200L without UTME or PUTME via Direct Entry. It is accepted by 75% of all Nigerian Universities and quoted on JAMB brochure.

The Programme is certified by the Nigeria University Commission (NUC). See page 4 of the JAMB brochure, item 2.2(2) to confirm IJMB as a requirement for university admission via Direct Entry. Also see Direct entry for universities.

Very few students know about the IJMB programme as an alternative means of securing admission. Every year less than 20,000 students registered for the IJMB programme as against 1.5 million students of JAMB. Thus the possibility of gaining admission via IJMB is very high.

Candidates seeking admission into the IJMB programme must possess the following;

> 5 credit passes in any of WASSCE, NECO, NABTEB or IGCSE
> Birth certificate or Declaration of Age
> 8 passport photograph of red background
> Attestation letter from Clergy, Senior Civil Servant, Legal Practitioner, Police Officer, etc

The IJMB is a Nine (9) months intensive academic programme with a one month period of Examination, usually held in February of every year.

The IJMB result is issued to its candidates two (2) months after the final Examination. On receipt of the Result, candidates are to purchase the Direct Entry (DE) form from any JAMB office (which is usually on sale between April and August), fill the form and submit same to the JAMB office. JAMB personnel’s scrutinizes the submitted form and forward the names of qualified candidates to their respective choice of universities for admission into 200L via Direct entry. It is like the Higher School certificate of the 1970s.
N/B: IJMB result is an equivalent of the National Diploma certificate of any Polytechnic